Inspiring a more connected world

Passage To Power
Changing ourselves and
our world through
heart connection
Videos of talks can be found below - we hope you enjoy them
A joint venture between
HeartBond & Heart Source
"Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths. Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart."
Videos of the TALKS
Our Speakers & Talks
We are living in tumultuous but exciting times, with personal and global challenges helping to call forth a collective shift in consciousness. As we increasingly feel the effects of such upheavals, there is growing awareness that a new energy is required to support humanity’s rite of passage and that this energy must originate from the heart. Our brains with their great intellect and thinking skills will help solve the problems of our times, but our collective heart, with its qualities of love and compassion, is the force that will ultimately awaken our true power and lead us into a new and brighter world.
BIGHEART 2023 is the first UK online event to bring together a group of experts on transformation and the heart. Throughout the day the speakers will outline, each from their own perspective, how connectedness is key as we transition into a new world, and how the heart is fundamental in establishing these connections and revealing our true power.
A key aim of this one-day gathering is to inform participants of the ways in which the heart can help us personally, and globally, to connect and heal. But as well as imparting ‘knowledge’, another, perhaps even more important aim is to allow participants to experience the power of the heart directly, in other words to awaken inherent heart ‘knowing’. During BIGHEART, the organisers will launch the Awakening Hearts Collective, which will provide content, learning and experiences that will champion the power of the heart to transform the world. Interested?..You can book you place here

Talk 1
Liz Butler
The Heart - Our Master Connector
Our concept of the heart has been reduced in recent centuries and for most of us now signifies little more than a blood-pumping organ and holder of our emotions. Our ancient ancestors had a broader perspective of the heart and in this presentation, Liz will review this more expansive heart, revealing truths that have long been forgotten. Combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science, Liz will describe how her research has led her to view the heart as our ‘Master Connector’, showing how it connects us in three primary ways - within ourselves, to the people, animals and plants around us, and to Spirit. We are living in challenging times and Liz will discuss how when we understand the true meaning and wisdom of the heart, we will have access to deep individual and planetary healing and will finally understand what it means to live a truly ‘heartful’ life.

Talk 3
Louise Livingstone Phd
My Heart and Me; Connection and Transformation
In this session, Louise will share her personal journey with her own heart. In 1990, at the age of eighteen, Louise was hospitalised for three months with viral myocarditis. Experiencing numerous cardiac arrests, Louise was left with a pacemaker and taking heavy doses of medication. Over the years, Louise experienced many complications, including debilitating arrythmias. Slowly, Louise lost faith in her own heart’s ability to keep her alive and descended into severe depression. In one of her lowest moments, Louise’s heart reached out and spoke to her. This extra-ordinary experience led Louise on a two-decade journey to make sense of what had happened. She revisited her own understanding of what the heart is, through deep inner reflection and a journey into postgraduate study. Louise will speak about how her heart woke her from a deep slumber and became her greatest friend and wisest teacher, opening her to a deeper, more expanded experience of life. Louise’s message - from her heart - is one that stresses the importance of opening ourselves to the possibility of building a personal relationship with our hearts, drawing out the implications of the heart’s way of knowing for personal, collective, and global transformation.

Talk 2
Tim Freke
What Is
Deep Awakening?
Deep awakening is an experience of enormous love, profound oneness, heightened sensibility to beauty, delight in the body, insight in the soul and the powerful inspiration to bring benevolence into the world. In his presentation Tim will share a new evolutionary understanding of awakening, what it is, why it is life-changing, and how you can experience it for yourself. Based on his latest project ‘Why Your Life Really Matters’, he will offer a practical solution to the stress and anxiety prevalent in our world today. Drawing on modern science and ancient wisdom he will argue that a transformation has been quietly happening to human beings in recent history. We are evolving from separate individuals to awakened unividuals, where a ‘unividual’ is ‘an individual who is coming to experience unity with the universe’.

Talk 4
Peter Granger
The Science of
Heart Connection
(and why it matters)
Peter will describe the ground-breaking scientific discoveries he and his research team have made about the heart and its ability to communicate energetically, both locally and at a distance, within loving and bonded relationships. Peter will show examples of the research results and demonstrate heart-to-heart connection in real time using an innovative app that he has developed. He will also discuss the profound implications of these discoveries for our understanding of psychology, relationships and the nature of consciousness. This new and exciting science confirms what many of us know intuitively - that we are invisibly connected to the people around us through our hearts and that it is by embracing this truth that we will discover personal peace and happiness and help build a more compassionate and caring world.
the Talks
Liz Butler
Liz is a therapist who has spent many years supporting people with serious illness, particularly cancer. Originally trained as a nutritional therapist, she came to realise emotional and spiritual healing were a priority need for her clients and at this point she added to her training. Liz is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and a HeartMath Coach.
Liz has been a life-long student of spirituality and metaphysics, her interests particularly drawn towards the ‘perennial wisdom’ teachings. She is a member of the Theosophical Society and is currently studying for a Higher Diploma in Theosophy. After completing the coaching programme with HeartMath, Liz became greatly interested in the heart and has spent several years incorporating heart-connection into her healing work with clients. She has created a model for emotional and physical healing that fully engages and utilises the transformational power of the heart: Heart Matrix Therapy. Liz is currently writing a book revealing the deep and, until now, hidden story of the heart.
Find out more about Liz here: https://www.heartsource.co.uk/about
Tim has been exploring spirituality since a spontaneous awakening when he was 12 years old. He is a pioneering philosopher whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing events have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. He is Winner of ‘MBS Writer of the Year Award’ 2020, Kindred Spirit magazine, and one of ‘The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People’ on the 2020 list in Watkins Magazine (# 50). He is the author of 35 books, translated into 15 languages, including a top 6 Amazon ‘Surprise Bestseller’ and Daily Telegraph 'Book of the Year'
In his latest books, 'Deep Awake' and 'Soul Story', Tim offers a revolutionary approach to awakening for the 21st century and a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality. Tim is the creator of Unividualism: A Deeper Way of Living and the founder of The International Community of Unividuals, which combines evolutionary science and deep spirituality to offer a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality and the purpose of life. He leads experiential Deep Awakening retreats internationally.
Find out more about Tim here: https://www.timfreke.com
Tim Freke
Louise Livingstone Phd
Louise is an academic, educator, mentor and therapist who has been on a long and profound journey with her heart, initiated, in part, by her diagnosis of viral myocarditis in the early 1990s. Following her diagnosis, Louise came to realise that her heart was urgently calling out, asking her to listen to its wise, loving, guiding voice. Through her research studies and personal experiences, she gradually learnt how to tune into, hear and interpret, her heart’s deep and ancient wisdom. She is now committed to helping others build their personal connection with their own wise and loving heart.
Louise has an MSc in Holistic Science from the Schumacher College, and a PhD in Transformative Learning from Canterbury Christ Church University. After gaining her doctorate, Louise founded the Heart Sense Research Institute, which offers events, courses, contemplative journeys, and one-to-one sessions based upon Heart Sense – the approach that she developed during her PhD research.
Find out more about Louise here: https://www.heartsenseresearch.co.uk/
Peter Granger
Peter started his career as a geophysicist working in the oil and gas exploration industry, before retraining as a psychotherapist and relationship counsellor. This unusual change of career has allowed him to bring together his passion for helping people with his highly creative approach to scientific enquiry. For the last eight years he has been an independent psychophysiological researcher studying how the hearts of two people synchronise in bonded relationships. The research has resulted in two highly significant scientific discoveries that are transforming our understanding of psychology, relationships and the nature of consciousness. Peter founded HeartBond Ltd in order to realise his vision of developing innovative apps and interventions based on his discoveries to help people connect more successfully in their relationships. He has recently published a book about the heart research and its profound and far-reaching implications, called 'Connected Hearts'.
Find more about Peter here: https://www.heartbond.co.uk/ and watch a video summary of his research.
Gavin Andrews
Gavin is Managing Director for HeartMath in the UK and Ireland. He discovered the powerful benefits of HeartMath, coherence and heart-based living 16 years ago during a difficult period in his life. Since then, he has found joy, meaning and purpose in sharing the science and practice of coherence and biofeedback with others.
In addition to sharing coherence practise through HeartMath, Gavin also founded WeAddHeart, an international meditation movement empowering people to connect with their own hearts and the hearts of others; to live more fully from the heart and to add more heart and coherence to the world.
Gavin is passionate about finding practical ways to help people discover calm, clarity and coherence in our increasingly chaotic and stressful world. Recently he co-launched Syntropy States, a digital arts start-up and launched Syntropy, a unique wellbeing app which employs the power of abstract and psychedelic art videos, combined with chillout soundscapes, to help people practise coherence breathwork, relaxation and meditation.
Find more about Gavin here: www.heartmath.co.uk (UK/IRL website and store) www.syntropystates.com (1-month free trial)
BIGHEART 2023 was organised by HeartBond Ltd and Heart Source
Please contact us if you have any questions about the event
Copyright HeartBond Ltd & Heart Source 2023 - All Rights Reserved