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inspiring lives


Our vision

We believe that we are hard-wired to connect and that connection inspires us to lead a better life. Each day there are many opportunities to connect, with strangers, colleagues, friends and family members. We know that this can be challenging, however our research shows that we all have the power to rediscover connection through the power of our hearts.

Sharing the inspiration

In a polarised world it has never been more important to connect. If heart to heart connection is our natural state, when we live in this way we will automatically cooperate, share and care for each other.  As we connect, others will connect around us. This is what helps humankind to flourish.

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Living an inspiring life 

The challenge is to place the heart and its ability to naturally connect at the centre of our lives. Through simple acts of kindness, and by being fully present, we can transform our own lives and those of the people around us. 
Groups and organisations have immense power through their reach and influence to positively change their own cultures and the world.  Businesses that adopt heart-centred practices can be agents of significant change.

Heartbond has created tools, technology and coaching for individuals and organisations to help them champion a heart-centred approach to life.  

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